PSR Resetter

PSR Resetter is an After Effects tool that makes it easy to quickly reset the PSR (position, scale, rotation) values of selected layers.

Current version: 1.3
Updated: 29 July 2022


PSR Resetter is a simple tool that allows you to quickly reset the Position, Scale and Rotation values of selected layers back to the default values.


It came about because I found it tedious to zero out the PSR values of parented layers, taking more steps than it should. In C4D, there is a button to reset the transformation, which makes it easy for a layer to 0 out its transformation to its parent object. Ae doesn't seem to have this function, so I created this simple script for that. And I hope it helps you too.


  • Reset individual properties or all at once

  • Reset multiple layers with one click

  • Works on 2D and 3D layers.

How to use?

Select 1 or more layers and choose to reset Position, Scale or Rotation properties individually, or reset all PSR at once.

  • P – resets the position to default value, which is centre of the comp or parent layer.

  • S – resets the scale to 100%.

  • R – resets the rotation to 0. If the layer is a 3D layer, the orientation will be reset to 0 too.

  • Reset All PSR – Resets all the Position, Scale and Rotation at once. It will follow that same behavior as the individual resets

Version history

V1.3 - 29 July 2022

  • Let users choose to reset a property with keyframes

  • Resetting position defaults to the centre of the comp / parent layer

V1.2 - 6 June 2022

  • Fixed resetting P when separate dimensions is on

V1.1 - 5 June 2022

  • Fixed individual reset of P, S & R not working

V1.0 - 4 June 2022

  • Reset individual properties and reset all properties

  • Reset PSR on 2D and 3D layers



Have a feedback? Let me know!